Jan 30, 2010

The work update, random thoughts on Dragon Age

Well I have itemized all the work I need to do before the test release as promised. Still need to polish the game then, but it will not stop anyone from fully testing. And while they are testing I will do the voicings, load screens, and touch up of areas left a little bare like the big mountain lake and mountain pass. And of course balance the combat one final time based on the results of the testers.

So that's my list. I figure for each item listed its doable in one sit down, which is about 3 hours, assuming I don't screw around. I'm hoping the list helps this. I already crossed some out today as you can see.

Just a random thought and then a random pic to keep the entries interesting.

Dragon Age: Isn't it a little stupid with its overuse of blood? I mean it's dark, we get it. The blood combat is fine, but the fact that my party can't be bothered to wipe blood splattered all over their face off after hours of travel, and even flirt with each other, STILL covered in blood is more than distasteful. And the blood dripping all over the map when we travel? Geeze, settle down there bioware.

Now some random images: I have created iron elementals

They look like they are hitting hard and they do. They are almost impossible to injure with weapons as well, so after a test, 3 was clearly too many at once.

Who is this thing anyway? Probably will never be seen outside of playing the entire game cause I think I'll refrain from spoiling ALL the coolest areas with preview shots when I put it on the vault.


  1. Hi,

    Shouldn't they just be iron golems? I was unaware there were any other D&D elemental creatures beyond the four types: earth, air, fire and water. There are, of course, para-elementals: smoke, magma, ooze and ice.

    What I am trying to say is, I don't think there is any reasonable logical place for "iron" elementals to come from. Do you see what I mean?

    Now, if you created the four para-elementals, that would be a rather neat addition. :)

    You can get information on these other "elemental" creatures from the "Manual of the Planes".

    Unless of course my resources are out of date. It has been a while since I checked new cosmologies.


  2. Forgot to add: It's good to see your list. Even your remaining sections look impressive!

