May 4, 2010

Beyond the End of the Road

I've wasted about a week trying to get conversations to begin without possibility of interruption, still not entirely sure that's even possible.

The game ending is now finished... you can fight your way right into the epilogue, which will be fairly extravagant in my campaign, but nothing too time consuming.

I miss the days when blogspot allowed me to use links or pictures.



  1. Interesting screenshots. I noticed the one with the basic conversation GUI with changed background image. (My blog still allows pictures and links. Your link still works with the pics OK. I'm not sure what you mean.)

    Conversations without interruption ... Which do you mean:-

    1) Player cannot escape from conversation. This can be done. I blogged about it a few weeks back.

    2) Conversation overrides a combat or other action. This can also be done if the ClearAllActions(TRUE) stops all combat/action before a conversation starts.

    Unless I have misuderstood? Or is there another time a conversation is interrupted?


  2. AnonymousMay 10, 2010

    I think the issue in the end was the distance. I've been able to keep the NPC holding up his end of the bargain but the PC wouldnt reply.
